This blog used to be a WordPress website. Now, it is based on Jekyll, after a second content migration since its creation 10 years ago. It was initially hosted at Blogger, but it was kind of hard to write about programming without code highlight support. I also couldn’t use custom plugins, css or JavaScript. Then I moved everything to WordPress, managed by myself in a private hosting service. There, I’ve got more flexibility in terms of content, but it was significantly slower than Blogger. The combination PHP + MySQL is known as low cost, but I was actually moving from free to $200/y, which is too expensive for a slow website. After years annoyed with performance, I’ve decided to migrate to Jekyll, a static website generator written in Ruby that transforms plain markdown content into modern web content.

While the migration from Blogger to WordPress was quite straightforward, the migration to Jekyll was definitely a challenge. You are looking at my 3rd and last attempt to do it. I’ve succeed because I’ve decided to have fun, writing it myself in Python. The idea was to do it without having any access to the WordPress database, neither using any exported data or access the server file system. I made a simple web crawler, named Jekyllfly, that navigates through the blog, downloads the content and transforms it into a format recognized by Jekyll.

What you have to know

I consider that you know what Jekyll is, how to install it and you have a WordPress blog publicly available on the web. You don’t need to have access to WordPress’ database or any exported files, but you do need a way to navigate chronologically through posts using links like “Previous” or “Next”. You also need some knowledge of Git and a GitHub account to be able to version your code and reuse existing code. Last, but not least, you should be able prepare a Python runtime environment and run Python scripts with it.

Python is an extremely useful programming language. The combination of a readable and expressive syntax with a rich collection of libraries makes it one of the most powerful languages available. It can also be severely criticized but I have been working with it since 2015, achieving amazing results so far. That’s a “Get Your Shit Done”® kind of language.

Getting everything set up

Here, we put together a website based on Jekyll with the help of Jekyllfly, which is a Python script that populates a Jekyll website with content extracted from a published WordPress website. To start, let’s create a Jekyll website on your home folder and test it using the following commands:

$ jekyll new website
$ cd website
$ jekyll serve

A minimalist version of a Jekyll website is generated and made available at the local address http://locahost:4000. In case you have something else using the port 4000, you can add the config below to the _config.yml file to change the default port:

port: 4001

The next step is to clone the GitHub repository that actually does the job. Run the following command in the same folder of the website you just created:

$ git clone

It creates the subfolder jekyllfly/ that contains the Python scripts. Before running it, create a configuration file based on the available example:

$ cd jekyllfly
$ cp

The module is the one that will be taken into consideration. Open it and add a link to the most recent post of your blog. At the time of this writing my was configured like this:

wordpress_url = ""
posts_path = "_posts"
images_path = "images/posts"

During the migration process, all your posts are copied to the folder _posts/ and all the images to the folder images/posts. If those folders don’t exist they will be created automatically. If you want something different from these then you can customize them in the Jekyllfly config file later on.

Let’s get the Python part done. I assume you have Python 3 and pip (dependency management) installed. Now, go to the Jekyllfly directory and install the dependencies:

$ cd jekyllfly
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run it!

You’re all set. Let’s run it:

$ python3

The time it takes to finish depends on the number of posts and images published and the speed of your internet connection. In my case, it took 4 minutes to download 156 posts and 182 images. The script shows the path to every resource it is downloading to give you an idea of progress. When it finishes, go to http://localhost:4000 to check the result.

If you liked the result, great! Now, you can get rid of Jekyllfly until you need it again for another migration. To proceed, go back to the website root folder and delete Jekyllfly:

$ cd ..
$ rm -rf jekyllfly

If not, then let’s talk. The code works in my case, but maybe it has some issues in your case. The best thing to do is to describe your problem in the repo’s issue tracking. I would be happy to make it work for your case as well.

Publishing on GitHub

Now, the posts of your website are pure text and there is no database neither PHP anymore. While you are working on the content everything seems dynamic, but in reality, Jekyll is constantly generating static content for you. When you finish a post, either you publish the generated static content in _site to your hosting provider or you push everything to GitHub. Well known as a Ruby shop, GitHub can recognize Jekyll and generate the static content for you. This way I can keep everything (site and content) under version control.

To have a website associated with your GitHub account, create an empty repository named [username] Go to your local website root folder and perform the following commands to add the local website to the repository (don’t forget to replace [username] by your actual GitHub username):

$ git init
$ echo "_site" >> .gitignore
$ echo ".sass-cache" >> .gitignore
$ echo ".jekyll-metadata" >> .gitignore
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ git remote add origin "[username]/[username]"
$ git push origin master

Check your repository at[username]/[username] to see if your local files were properly added to the repository. If everything looks fine then check your new website at https://[username] If not, then let me know, so we can figure it out together.

Side effects

Jekyllfly works but it isn’t perfect. It depends a lot on the quality of the data. Some posts were not imported correctly because the HTML had some inconsistent tags. Some images were downloaded, properly referenced in the markdown content, but they were also surrounded by other html tags such as <a>, <span> and <table>, used to show a legend near the image. Those tags were hiding the images in the posts. Unfortunately, they are not that easy to remove, so I did it manually because it impacted just a dozen posts. There are still some formatting issues in very old posts that I will gradually fix as I find time to do so.

This experience made me realize how badly my content was treated under Blogger and WordPress regime. Markdown, Jekyll, Jekyllfly and GitHub are giving me the opportunity to preserve the quality of the content I have produced through all these years and for years to come.